
Made A Way

"Connecting youth to their futures"


Character and Leadership Development

Our program will equip students with the tools and confidence to be successful now and in the future.


Post-Secondary Support Services

We are here to facilitate a smooth transition into the next phase of life.

About Us

Made A Way Foundation

The Made A Way Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization founded in Jacksonville, Fl.

Our mission is to eliminate the identity crisis in adolescents by crafting a prudent thought process and connecting them to their future.

Our foundation is dedicated to working with young people in an effort to reduce risk factors associated with the adolescent identity crisis. We seek to encourage adolescents to begin thinking seriously about their future, and assist them in post-secondary transition.

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We are here to help

The Made A Way Foundation through its WIN program initiatives and post-secondary support services (PS3) will achieve the ultimate goal of connecting youth to their future.

Made A Way Foundation

The WIN Program


Who Am I?

One of the toughest questions teenagers face on their journey through life is, Who Am I? Our WIN program initiatives are designed to help students identify who they are and connect with their gifts, talents, and interests.


Promote Healthy Thinking

WIN is a year round Character and Leadership Development Program created to encourage students to identify interest, promote healthy thinking, and assist with post-secondary planning.


Leadership Development

The WIN program will equip students with tools and confidence to be successful now and in the future.



For WIN Initiatives

WIN's year round Character and Leadership Development Program was created to encourage students in grades 8-12 to identify interest, promote healthy thinking, and assist with post-secondary planning.


What People Say About Us

"In Mr. Emanuel's close work with schools to service youth, he has serviced students at both Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership and Highlands Middle School for the past two-years. His dedicated work, coming weekly to meet with groups or individual students has made a positive impact on students; in ways that lead to their willingness to openly communicate more with their peers and adults in a positive manner.

Hence, the observed results of his dedication and strong communication system with youth that he services demonstrates that the repertoire of strategies he uses promotes a series of learning experiences that youth can use and apply to real world experiences to communicate, to create goals, and building on self-worth by monitoring outside influences to stimulate success."

Kenyannya Wilcox, Principal
Joseph Stilwell Militatry Academy of Leadership
Highlands Middle School

The time I spent working with Mr. Emmanuel at Fresh Futures was an awesome experience. I love kids and was a foster parent in Oklahoma so working with the students was awesome. During our Saturday sessions Mr. Emmanuel made learning fun an interesting for them. They were engaged and seemed to enjoy participating. As one of the Parent Leaders it was rewarding to see the students learn different things each weekend and then to see it all come together at the end with their summer jobs was amazing.

As a parent of one of the students and foster parent of 3 more, it was amazing to see the kids develop over time. I was so proud to see them grow and learn as they worked at their summer jobs. Most of them had never worked before so it was fascinating to see them take what they learned all school year and then apply it to their work. When Mr. Emmanuel left it was difficult for my kids and I to stay. Of course whenever there is a change in arms things are done differently. It just wasn't the same without him. I know that whatever program Mr. Emmanuel is involved with will be a success because he has a heart for our youth. And that is a precious commodity.

Angela Y. Johnson, Parent

My summer camp class of middle and high school students had the opportunity to take part in Mr.Frank C. Emanuel, character and leadership development program. The knowledge, information, and curriculum were all very relevant, appropriate, and interesting for my class. Mr.Emanuel, was very professional and he was also able to relate to the students on many different levels.

Mr.Emanuel, shared a few of his own personal struggles and challenges that he faced as a young man growing up. The class was really immersed and focused to all his presentations. Mr.Emanuel, has a unique way of getting students to open up and express themselves to him. Having Mr.Emanuel, come speak with my class was one of the best summer activities I could have implemented. Even after the program was over, I had students still asking about Mr.Emanuel and also modeling some of the characteristics and strategies he spoke on.

The students became very comfortable with Mr.Emanuel; and because of that I think they were able to retain a lot of the information he was teaching. There is a strong need for more character and leadership programs like this one. I’m thankful my students and I had the chance to be apart of it. I look forward to working with Mr.Emanuel again.

Coach Tony Bunion,
Wayman Academy of the Arts
Health & Physical Education